Over 100,000 victims of clery sexual abuse have come forward in the United States alone. The film follows the story of one priest, Father Oliver O'Grady, who over decades has been moved by the church around the same diocese in an attempt to cover up his crimes against children - chiefly molestation and rape. As well as hearing the stories of his victims, we also see interviews with Father O'Grady himself. Shocking yet compelling, Deliver Us From Evil will make you question how such a man can exist on God's Earth, let alone be doing God's work.
Director(s): Amy Berg
Cast: Thomas Doyle, Father Oliver O'Grady
Certification: 15+
Cinema Date: 2008
Distributor: Lionsgate
Director(s): Amy Berg
Cast: Thomas Doyle, Father Oliver O'Grady
Certification: 15+
Cinema Date: 2008
Distributor: Lionsgate