In this adventure based on NICK's first 3-D cartoon (JIMMY NEUTRON: BOY GENIUS), a ten-year-old boy genius, Jimmy Neutron, is forced to deal with typical pre-adolescent pressures: hopelessly clueless parents, fitting in with his peers, and, of course, the inner workings of an intergalactic jet propulsion system stored under his playhouse. This film was nominated for an Academy Award in the category of Best Animated Feature Film.
Director(s): John A. Davis
Cast: Mark Decarlo, Debi Derryberry, Andrea Martin, Rob Paulsen
Certification: U
Run Time: 1h 21min
Cinema Date: 2001
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Director(s): John A. Davis
Cast: Mark Decarlo, Debi Derryberry, Andrea Martin, Rob Paulsen
Certification: U
Run Time: 1h 21min
Cinema Date: 2001
Distributor: Paramount Pictures