In this delightful animated adventure based on A.A. Milne’s beloved characters, a massive rumbling awakens the sleepy residents of The Hundred Acre Wood. Winnie the Pooh and his friends are certain that noise could only come from the much-feared Heffalump. Pooh and his friends set off on a dangerous expedition to find and capture the Heffalump, but they think Roo is too young for the perilous mission, and leave him behind. But Roo decides to search on his own, and soon meets with far greater success than his friends.
Director(s): Frank Nissen
Certification: U
Run Time: 1h 5min
Cinema Date: 2005
Distributor: Disney
Director(s): Frank Nissen
Certification: U
Run Time: 1h 5min
Cinema Date: 2005
Distributor: Disney