Jason Statham leads the cast of an action-thriller set in the post-industrial wasteland of tomorrow, with the world's most brutal sporting event as its backdrop. A penitentiary full of felons has inspired the jailers to create a grisly pastime ripe for lucrative kickbacks. Now, adrenalized inmates, a global audience hungry for televised violence and a spectacular arena come together to form the Death Race...
Director(s): Paul W.S Anderson
Cast: Ian McShane, Jason Statham
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 46min
Cinema Date: 26/09/2008
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Director(s): Paul W.S Anderson
Cast: Ian McShane, Jason Statham
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 46min
Cinema Date: 26/09/2008
Distributor: Universal Pictures