Absolutely Anything follows a disillusioned school teacher, Neil Clarke (Pegg) who suddenly finds he has the ability to do anything he wishes, a challende bestowed upon him by a group of power-crazed aliens (voiced by Cleese, Gillam, Jones, Palin and Idle), watching him from space. As he struggles to deal with these new found powers and the events that subsequently arise, he calls upon his loyal canine companion Dennis (voiced by Robin Williams) to help him along the way. Mishap after mishap finally leadds him to the ultimate conundrum that all men dread and at which many have failed...should he choose the girl...or the dog...?
Director(s): Terry Jones
Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Eddie Izzard, Joanna Lumley, Marianne Oldham, Simon Pegg, Rob Riggle, Meera Syal Poster ;
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 25min
Cinema Date: 14/08/2015
Distributor: Lionsgate
Director(s): Terry Jones
Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Eddie Izzard, Joanna Lumley, Marianne Oldham, Simon Pegg, Rob Riggle, Meera Syal Poster ;
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 25min
Cinema Date: 14/08/2015
Distributor: Lionsgate