Double Academy Award winner Robert De Niro stars as dedicated Manhatten homicide detective Vincent LaMarca in this gripping, suspense-filled thriller, inspired by true events. Estranged from his wife and son Joey (James Franco - Spiderman), Vincent lives his life in solitude, keeping even his girlfriend (Frances McDormand - Almost Famous) at arm's length. When Joey emerges as the prime suspect in a murder investigation, Vincent is devastated and is forced to face painful events of his past. As a cop, Vincent must bring a criminal to justice; as a father, he must find a way to save his son. Now he will put his life on the line in order to do right by both his family and his profession.
Director(s): Michael Caton-Jones
Cast: James Franco, Frances McDormand, Robert De Niro
Certification: 18+
Run Time: 1h 45min
Cinema Date: 2002
Distributor: Warner Bros.
Director(s): Michael Caton-Jones
Cast: James Franco, Frances McDormand, Robert De Niro
Certification: 18+
Run Time: 1h 45min
Cinema Date: 2002
Distributor: Warner Bros.