Press the button and get a million dollars, but someone whom you don't know will die; This is the offer given to Norma and Arthur, an ordinary decent couple played by Cameron Diaz and James Marsden, by the mysterious Arlington Steward (Frank Langella); The question "What would you do?" will ring in your ears as you witness that their decision is just the beginning. Based on a short story by the writer of I AM LEGEND and from the director of DONNIE DARKO, The Box takes you on a tense, gripping and totally unpredictable ride as the couple realise that they are part of something greater and far more terrifying than they could ever have imagined.
Director(s): Richard Kelly
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James Marsden, James Rebhorn
Run Time: 1h 50min
Cinema Date: 2010
Distributor: Icon Film
Director(s): Richard Kelly
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Frank Langella, James Marsden, James Rebhorn
Run Time: 1h 50min
Cinema Date: 2010
Distributor: Icon Film