This unique little musical is based on the beloved tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. A pilot, forced to make an emergency landing in the desert, has a remarkable encounter with the Little Prince, an enchanting monarch from a tiny planet. Oscar winner Bob Fosse does some limber dancing as "The Snake", comedian Gene Wilder is engagingly timid as "The Fox", and Broadway star Donna McKechnie sings and moves gracefully as "The Rose." Featuring an Academy Award-nominated score by Lerner and Loewe.
Director(s): Stanley Donen
Cast: Bob Fosse, Donna McKechnie, Steven Warner, Gene Wilder
Run Time: 1h 28min
Cinema Date: 1974
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Director(s): Stanley Donen
Cast: Bob Fosse, Donna McKechnie, Steven Warner, Gene Wilder
Run Time: 1h 28min
Cinema Date: 1974
Distributor: Paramount Pictures