This romantic comedy follows the adventures of one sexy twenty-something's wild adventures in the big city. Pretty, velvet-voiced 21-year-old Violet Sanford (Piper Perabo) heads to New York to pursue her dream of becoming a songwriter. While she waits for her "big break," Violet takes a "day job" as a bar maid at Coyote Ugly, the hottest spot in town. The rowdy female-run club features a team of sexy, enterprising young women who tantalize and tease customers and get plenty of media attention with their outrageous antics. Will Violet's newfound notoriety help or hinder her budding career as a songwriter?
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 36min
Cinema Date: 2000
Distributor: Disney
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 36min
Cinema Date: 2000
Distributor: Disney