Walt Disney's dream of creating a "concert film" with a perpetually changing musical repertoire is at last realized with the debut of the animated extravaganza, "Fantasia/2000." The film introduces seven spectacular new animated sequences set to the music of the masters and spotlights the return of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," a milestone piece of animation which was the genesis of the 1940 feature. Created over a nine-year period and utilizing the talents of a new generation of top animation talents, "Fantasia/2000" takes viewers on a journey into the imagination using incredible animated imagery, exquisite classical music and state-of-art technology.
Director(s): James Algar, Gaëtan Brizzi, Hendel Butoy
Cast: Kathleen Battle, Ralph Grierson, Itzhak Perlman, Leopold Stokowski
Run Time: 1h 14min
Cinema Date: 1999
Distributor: Disney
Director(s): James Algar, Gaëtan Brizzi, Hendel Butoy
Cast: Kathleen Battle, Ralph Grierson, Itzhak Perlman, Leopold Stokowski
Run Time: 1h 14min
Cinema Date: 1999
Distributor: Disney