"American Teen" follows the lives of five teenagers-a jock, a popular girl, a heartthrob, an artsy girl and a geek-in one small town in Indiana through their senior year of high school. We see the insecurities, the cliques, the jealousies, the first loves and heartbreaks, and the struggle to make profound decisions about the future. Filming daily for 10 months, filmmaker Nanette Burstein developed a deep understanding of her subjects...
Cast: Hannah Bailey, Colin Clemens, Megan Krizmanich, Ali Wikalinska
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 41min
Cinema Date: 06/03/2009
Distributor: StudioCanal
Cast: Hannah Bailey, Colin Clemens, Megan Krizmanich, Ali Wikalinska
Certification: 15+
Run Time: 1h 41min
Cinema Date: 06/03/2009
Distributor: StudioCanal