The "Rough-Ridin' Kids" help a courageous lawman and his deputy break up a notorious gang, and recover a fortune. Judy, the loyal eleven-year-old foster daughter of a outlaw, is up for adoption. However, to accomplish her return to a normal existence, she helps find the stolen money hidden by her foster-father.
Director(s): Fred C. Brannon
Cast: Roy Barcroft, Lucille Barkley, James Bell, Eilene Janssen
Run Time: 1h 0min
Cinema Date: 1951
Distributor: Paramount Pictures
Director(s): Fred C. Brannon
Cast: Roy Barcroft, Lucille Barkley, James Bell, Eilene Janssen
Run Time: 1h 0min
Cinema Date: 1951
Distributor: Paramount Pictures