This sweetly humoured and wonderfully warm-hearted Australian drama tells the story of enterprising Jack Flange, who moves from Sydney to an isolated, close-knit community of oyster farmers. In desperate need of money to pay for his sister's hospital bills, Jack robs a local fish market (armed with a frozen lobster and an edible balaclava) and mails the cash to himself. When the package goes missing en route, he fears the police may be on to him or that someone in the community has intercepted the loot. So when local beauty Pearl starts parading round in very expensive shoes, Jacks starts to get suspicious. Whilst trying not to fall in love, Jack tries various ploys to flush out the culprit, including kidnapping Pearl's beloved dog.
Director(s): Anna Reeves
Cast: Kerry Armstrong, David Field, Jim Norton, Alex O'Lachlan
Certification: 15+
Distributor: Lionsgate
Director(s): Anna Reeves
Cast: Kerry Armstrong, David Field, Jim Norton, Alex O'Lachlan
Certification: 15+
Distributor: Lionsgate