Ten year old city boy Willard Young is reluctantly packed off for the summer to stay with friends of his mother’s in the rural town of Paradise. Painfully shy, Willard finds himself awkwardly unwelcome as his guardians are still grieving the death of their own son. However, as the summer ambles by, Willard’s presence soon becomes a healing catalyst for the pair, and his own fears are eased by his friendship with a sensitive local girl named Billie, thus providing him with a summer that he will never forget.
Director(s): Mary Agnes Donoghue
Cast: Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson
Certification: 12+
Run Time: 1h 51min
Distributor: Disney
Director(s): Mary Agnes Donoghue
Cast: Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson
Certification: 12+
Run Time: 1h 51min
Distributor: Disney