Parker is an action noir thriller based on the antihero character of the same name created by acclaimed novelist Donald E. Westlake - portrayed on screen in the past by Lee Marvin in Point Blank, Robert Duvall in The Outfit and Mel Gibson in Payback.
Director Taylor Hackford (Ray) brings a whole new generation of fans to this character, with actor Jason Stratham in the role, and the screenplay penned by Black Swan co-writer John J. McLaughlin. Parker follows a professional thief who lives by a strict code of honour - but who isn't above killing someone if that's what is required or is forced to retaliate. After being double-crossed by his partners in a heist and narrowly escaping with his life, he finds himself unexpectedly teaming up with a female real estate agent to get back what he's owed. Like Out Of Sight, Parker is crammed full of inspired set-ups, twists and turns and a rollicking sense of humour, making it a distinctive crime thriller.