Set in Austin, Texas, this “slacker revenge movie” follows the disaffected and promiscuous Erica (Amanda Fuller - Buffy The Vampire Slayer) as she sleeps with a series of nameless men, until she is befriended by Nate (Noah Taylor - Submarine, The Proposition), an ex-Iraq war veteran with a sociopathic streak. Nate, unusually, seems interested in Erica for more than just sex - but when one of her previous partners, hard-rocking mamma’s boy Franki (Marc Senter) resurfaces, Erica’s actions come back to haunt her, leading to a terrifying climax which has shocked audiences worldwide. Brutal and uncompromising, Red, White & Blue will stun, horrify and surprise in equal measure.
Director(s): Simon Rumley
Cast: Amanda Fuller, Noah Taylor
Run Time: 1h 30min
Cinema Date: 30/09/2011
Distributor: Trinity Films
Director(s): Simon Rumley
Cast: Amanda Fuller, Noah Taylor
Run Time: 1h 30min
Cinema Date: 30/09/2011
Distributor: Trinity Films